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So as some people have noticed this new blog of mine has popped up somewhat out of the blue and have been wondering why this one has been created when I already had other blogs set up. So this post is just to explain what has happened and try to clear up some of the confusion.

So what is happening with my old blogs? Previously I have had a few blogs and at theOld blogs moment nothing is happening with them. They have not been deleted, there have not been any issues with the sites, they are still active and able to be viewed. My very first blog is even still online.

SUPERchick Lost In Time
Movie Craze!
The Galaxy Is Ours 


If my other blogs are fine, active and there are no issues why have I created this one? Okay, so for this blog my end goal is to actually turn blogging into a career. For the moment I’m not attempting to turn it into a place to make money from, as there is a ton of development which needs to be done, however the end goal is to be able to blog for work.

This then begs the question ‘why couldn’t I just use one of my old blogs for this?’ Well there are a few different reasons as to why I decided to make a new blog to use from now on. Firstly I put a lot of time and effort into researching the best way to start blogging as a career. From that one of the things I found out is that the most successful bloggers own their own domain for their blog. As I don’t want to put money into this blogging career until I have proven to myself that I won’t flake out and I will work super hard on it I decided not to purchase a domain just yet. However I went to research further and found that WordPress is the best site to use if you are planning on eventually owning our own domain for your blog, it’s the easiest transition wise. this is why I’m now using WordPress instead of blogger, as I did in the past.

Also from my experiences at Bo$$ Camp last year I learnt a lot about branding and it’s importance. After putting in a lot of thought about the blogs I had at the time I came to the conclusion that they were not blended well, were not what I wanted to be branded as. In many ways my previous blogs have been very immature, or I feel the were, as I did set them up at a fairly young age. Also they would frequently be renamed and changed, this is not ideal. I decided I needed something static a blog that was branded with a brand I’m happy with and something that I will be happy to keep for years to come.

I also came to the conclusion that due to the major developments I have been though, developments on myself, those blogs don’t fit me so much anymore as they are quite immature and while they did mature over the years they still have that immature back story. I ended up deciding that I needed to start fresh with a clear mind and view of the future of me and blogging. Hence the new blog on the new site.

So what is the future for my previous blogs? I’m somewhat sad to say that there is none, at this point in the future and to be completely honest I don’t see myself going back to them ever, as in writing on them. However I don’t see any reason to deactivate them or delete them from the internet, they very much were a big part of my life, a coping mechanism, a way to pass time, a place to put out my writing and develop my confidence in myself and who I was. I still want to be able to look back on them and remember what was going on in my life and how I used to feel, who I used to be, the aspects that created who I am, who I’m becoming. For these reasons I decided to keep them online, after all I feel no shame for them or any discontent, however there will no longer be new posts on them.

From this point on-wards this will be the only blog I will be posting on, everything in the one place. There are a ton of exciting plans and possibilities I have for this blog and I’m super excited for this site to develop. I hope you’ll be just as excited to go along the journey with me.

In this post I have mentioned branding and I just wanted to give a heads up that I will be making a post which goes into depth of branding, the branding of this blog (as it may seem quirky to some), how to create a brand, the importance of a brand as well as the resources I found the most useful in researching and creating this brand.