This Year: School

(This links in with my previous rambling post about this year.)

School was also a big part of struggling this year. I’m only just beginning to learn about that and have those moments of clarity. We put so much pressure on students to do well in school, there’s this immense stigma that if you don’t succeed in school you fail at life, that’s it, life is over, you’re done. Not that school doesn’t work for everyone and there are other options. I’ve grown up over the years to be a high achiever, to believe anything less than a B grade in unacceptable and in some cases even an A- is not okay. I set up this standard and became known among school staff for it. While having a reputation like that is great, it has it’s down falls. In cases when the stress becomes too much and grades drop, comments occur. “This isn’t your standard.” “This isn’t the work I get from you.” “I expect better.” “I expect more.” Instead of looking at the other balls in the air, the ones attempting to be juggled, it’s that one focus on the grade. While an A to B grade may be my standard when I’m coping with life, I may only be capable of a C or less when I’m not. It wasn’t only these small comments which were an issue with school. The biggest issue with school was myself. I realized this year how insane and flawed one of my unconscious thoughts were this year. I’ve also realized this thought isn’t only mine and many people have the same notion. My school grades were (and still are) how I validate my worth. I get a grade below (my consideration of) average, I’m not a worthy human being. I get my usual grades, yeah alright, I’ll give myself a break this time. I work my ass off on an assignment and it’s seriously perfect and it comes back with a bleak grade, I wasn’t good enough, I wasn’t enough.

I’ve realized recently that I’ve had this idea that you have to earn the title of being enough. You have to work your ass off and achieve above and beyond and be brilliant and accomplish these overachieving goals and once you do, you’ll be enough. You can sit back and look over it all and have this overwhelming feeling of “I am enough”. I’ve only in the last month realized this concept even existed and see how flawed it is. Our goals are forever changing, always being pushed back further and this point we perceive as ‘enough’ doesn’t exist. My school grades will never made me enough, it’s just not possible. I’ve only in the last week come across the new concept that ‘your worth is innate, it can’t be earned, it can’t be proven and it can’t be lost when you think you haven’t done enough’. This new concept which means my grades can’t earn my worth and they also can’t strip it away, it’s a brilliantly terrifying thing. Brilliant in that it makes so much sense and it’s reassuring and something I so want to believe, but terrifying in that is pulls apart so much of what had always been true for me. Ideas which were so build into my programming that I didn’t even realize they existed.

Now I can’t take all the credit for this realization. This concept of enough was something I stumbled upon in the book section of Big W. ‘You Are Enough by Cassie Mendoza-Jones’, the book that’s discovered an old flawed concept and opened my mind to a healthier new one. I haven’t yet finished the book, but what I’ve read so far is brilliant.


This Year.

I haven’t posted anything for about a year; there was no need to, I had nothing to say. This post is a few things that have been playing on my mind lately and I know these are things that affect other people so hopefully this will come out in a string of coherent sentences but we’ll see.

This year has been a hell of a year, so many things have happened and changed and I guess made me grow also, but at times it doesn’t feel like growing, it feels like regressing. I guess it’s a matter of remembering sometimes regression is necessary to move past a block in the road and be able to grow. This year I’m completing year 12, a block in the road that I never imagined to be this damaging. I remember starting this year off thinking I was going to divide and conquer, not year 12 because I knew it would be stressful but I never imagined it to be such a tribulation. I was naive enough to think this year I would divide and conquer in the mischief I would get into with friends, the illuminating moments with family, the freedom I’d develop and the achievements I’d be proud of, from which I’d finally reach that point of feeling I am enough. A notion so flawed, a belief that couldn’t have been more wrong. However it seems more like this year has divided and conquered me. This year has probably been the hardest year I’ve ever had to wade though. There are aspects that I know I should give myself props for and I know I should give myself a break once in awhile, but they’re overpowered by the aspects that leave me questioning and terrified.

This year has been a year of learning, of falling and breaking and having to hold it together by like that really crappy glue you used to get in primary school which never actually stuck anything but you had to use. I’ve come to question my core beliefs, my judgement and even my sanity. I think my worst judgement call this year was my decision to come off my anti-depressants before starting year 12. My big reasons weren’t the right reasons and the other reasons I told everyone, they were things I often mulled over, but they could have waited. I’d been on anti-depressants before I even started high school, I was on them for about 4 or 5 years and I didn’t feel like they worked because I’d still have at least 2 breakdowns each term from not coping with stress. I was so wrong, when I first came off them it was like a sensory overload, anxieties and stresses that had been background noise, that were always there behind the scenes, were suddenly blazing buildings and shattering glass. They were inescapable and I was thrown into a state of drowning. This lead to the deepest feeling I’ve ever had of actually going crazy, not the cute film ‘oh I’m so stressed I’m going crazy’, but the literal, real, ‘is this really how things are or am I going insane’. I retreated to my hibernation state of sleeping whenever possible. I lost friends from it and other people who cared, I got insanely behind in school and the pressure of school and of doing well in school pushed me to the point of seriously considering dropping out. My family who saw my state didn’t cope well with it, that only made being awake so much more difficult. I stopped functioning as a human being. Things got to the point I was convinced I was a waste of everyone’s time, convinced that people who I allowed myself to trust and need were untrustworthy and that I wasn’t going to get anywhere in life. Some of these delusions I’ve moved past, some I still see in my rose tinted glasses and others I’m still unsure of. While I hit one of my lowest points I do need to give myself props. I eventually sought out help and pulled myself out of it and although at that time the thought of relapsing into my old coping mechanisms of self-harm occurred I pushed past it and didn’t relapse.

That was the beginning of the year, literally the first term of school (February – April) the rest of this year has been a constant fluid state between regression and trying to pull it together enough to move even a step forwards. It’s also been a fight to change my outlook on things. I mentioned I lost friends this year, that was difficult to lose a whole group of people I’d become attached to, but specifically one who I thought I’d grown to need. I was torn apart by it and I allowed it to ruin me. Since, I’ve had moments of clarity, each coming at random times and giving a piece of the bigger picture. Now I look back on it and the only regret I have is the terms on which that friendship ended. In these clarifying moments I realized that I was comfortable in my situation, but I wasn’t growing anymore, everything was static and it had been for a while. As humans we don’t like to leave our comfort zones and I was never going to, not without being forced out with a crowbar. Growing since, I realized that although I used to think I was independent and comfortable with myself, with being alone with myself, I really wasn’t. Learning to be alone and to be comfortable being alone was difficult and probably something I wouldn’t have learnt if I wasn’t forced to. To finally get to the point that I could sit on my own without friends around and not feel awkward took a while, but it was peaceful once I got there. After that I fell back into finding a place among people where I feel like I fit in, in a place I feel like I’m growing as a person.

(There’s a little something about school also but I decided to post is separately.)

This year I was taken aback by the loss of a close family member which was followed by 2 more deaths in the family within the span of 2 months. I’ve seen grief before, but feeling it is completely different, it’s disorientating. I’ve always been a person with a lot to say and it was rare for me not to be talking; my Pop used to say I could talk under wet cement. But there wasn’t anything to say and suddenly silence seemed so much more valid and necessary than words. The ‘should haves’ and ‘could haves’ take over, the plans that never came to conception died and suddenly there’s just nothing. All the while watching the people you care about most breaking and broken, knowing you need to be there for them, just hold it together for them, just get through the day for them.

This year is in it’s final stages. Year 12 is at the race to the finish line and university applications are due to be submitted by end of this month. I’m terrified. I’m not so much scared of the next chapter as I am of the next page as well as the previous ones. Ever since I was little I had one driving force, I wanted to go to university, I was adamant and passionate and I was going. So much has changed and now I’m just unsure. I don’t know if I want to go to university anymore, if that’s the right path for me, but decisions must be made in literally days. Recently I’ve looked back over school work from previous years and other random things I used to do that weren’t for school. I used to be so passionate about so many things, I was interested in so many things, it was like an insatiable hunger. Bonnie and Clyde, Jack the Ripper, criminology (I really wanted to learn how to profile people), psychology, writing, Nostradamus, philosophy, painting, photography, movies, literature, learning to pick locks for the hell of it (not to actually use but just because it was interesting)…. Anything and everything. It was like a blazing fire that consumed everything and couldn’t be calmed. Somewhere along the way over the last year I lost that. I don’t know when or why, but it’s gone. Is it my mental illnesses or just part of growing up? Is it just because I’m burnt out from this year or is it gone forever? Are there still embers of this blazing fire or is it just soot? I don’t know and that scares me.

I know this post has been a long ramble, hopefully it’s somewhat coherent. The point of this isn’t to get attention, or sympathy, or to go “oh poor me”, if that was the point I’d just keep wasting away sleeping. The point is that I’ve never been overly secretive of my mental illnesses, I hate them but they are there. I don’t talk about them often because I’m trying to do what people say and not ‘define myself’ by them. The thing is mental illness is such a prevalent issue in today’s society and so many people don’t talk about it for whatever reason whether it’s because they’re trying not to define themselves by it or they’re ashamed of them or think they’ll be ridiculed for it. Mental illness exists and while things seem to get better they can fall apart again really easily, it’s a constant struggle between being okay and falling apart. This is a topic that needs to be discussed without shame and without degradation. So many people still don’t understand mental illness and while it’s something you can never truly understand until you live through it, you can try to understand it. One of the biggest people who have helped my this year doesn’t really completely understand it, but he’s trying to understand it, he’ll listen and ask questions without being condescending and knowing someone will take the time to try and understand helps even if they don’t get it.

That’s the other thing, so many people are scared to ask questions about mental illness afraid to offend people and people with mental illness often forget that not everyone knows what it’s like or understands, not from a lack of trying but it can be such an illogical thing it’s difficult to understand. So ask questions, ask politely without being patronizing and at appropriate times (i.e. not with a big group of people) and don’t push when the other person has had enough. As for the person trying to explain, try to breathe through the frustration and remember that they’re at least trying, they’re trying to understand. I know it’s difficult and gets immensely frustrating because the other person doesn’t understand but also because it’s so difficult to explain especially when you, yourself don’t fully understand it.


Sound of My Heartbeat


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Music is a part of everyone’s lives, more important in some more than others, but a part all the same. For some music is like a landline, they could live without it and others it’s their lifeline. I, myself fall into the second category, so this post is about the albums and artists who I have been the sound of my heart beat recently. (This is in no particular order.)

Halsey – Badlands (2015)

Halsey, real name Ashley Nicolette Frangipane, is an American Indie Pop singer and songwriter. With her first album released in 2014 Halsey is an absolute hit. The Badlands album was released this year and features songs such as ‘Gasoline’, ‘Roman Holiday’, ‘Colours’ and ‘Control’. This brilliant album has practically been on constant repeat.



The Story So Far – The Story So Far (2015)
tssfalbum-560x560The Story So Far is a rock band from California who formed in 2007. Since then they have released 11 Albums (including their EPs). The most recent of which being The Story So Far which features songs such as ‘Smile’, ‘How Are You’, ‘Nerve’ and ‘Phantom’.





Tonight Alive – What Are You So Scared Of? (2011)

Tonight Alive, an Australian rock band which originated in Sydney. The band got together in 2008. Lead singer Jenna McDougall, lead guitarist Whakaio Taahi, rhythm guitarist Jake Hardy, bassist Can Adler and drummer Matt Best are the key pieces which make up this epic band. Their 2011 album What Are You Scared Of features songs such as: ‘Starlight’, ‘Sure As Hell’, ‘Safe & Sound’, ‘Listening’, ‘Take Me Down’ and of course ‘What Are You Scared Of?’.


Typhoon – White Lighter (2013)
Typhoon-White-Lighter-Album-CoverIf indie rock is your thing then Typhoon is for you. An American indie rock band from Oregon consisting of 11 members. Typhoon have released four albums and two EPs since the band was formed in 2005. Their album White Lighter consists of the songs ‘Common Sentiments’, ‘Hunger & Thirst’, ‘One Hundred Years’, ‘Post Script’ and ‘Dreams of Cannibalism’ as well as my favourite, ‘Prosthetic Love’, which was also featured on the Veronica Mars movie soundtrack.


Train – Bulletproof Picasso (2014)
Train-Bulletproof-PicassoAnother American rock band, Train originated from San Francisco in 1993. With 15 albums (including EPs) to their name Train is pretty well-known. Their 2014 album Bulletproof Picasso features the songs ‘Angel in Blue Jeans’, ‘Son of a Prison Guard’, ‘Just a Memory’, ‘The Bridge’ and ‘Cadillac, Cadillac’.

A Little Mindless Ramble


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Why is it we find it so easy to get ourselves into a situation, but so difficult to remedy the problem? Is it because emotions are involved? And while we don’t mind hurting ourselves we find it so difficult to hurt someone else. Why do we feel like it’s more acceptable to hurt ourselves than another person? Even if hurting this person is required for personal growth and our own happiness.

Does it hurt someone more to continue a charade letting them think things are fine with the intention of allowing them to be happy even though you may not be? Or does it hurt more to do what you know will hurt them for a little while but be the right thing for you? To hurt or to deceive?

As human beings, part  of a society, what is more important? Our duty to ourselves or our duty to look after the feelings of those we hold dear? Will the right thing for you and the thing that makes others happy every coincide? Will they ever be the same action? Or are we forever doomed to live with this contemplation forever weighing up the pros and cons of our decisions and their effect on ourselves and others?

Pro: It’s the right thing for me and how I feel.
Con: It will hurt someone else’s feelings.

Is there a right decision here?

Pro: The other person doesn’t get hurt. They get to be happy.
Con: I won’t be.

Is there ever a right decision? If so, how do we know what it is? Do we go by what society says is right? How do we know they actually are right? What if society is just as misguided as the individual? What then?

Do we action on emotion or logic? Is there one without the other? In which case where is the logic here? The logic of going with what will benefit me and feel right for me? Or the logic of not hurting the other person?

Is there an option to go back to bed and just not get up again? Waste away in bed and not deal with these immortal debates… That sounds nice to me… Yeah, I know that’s not actually an option, I just wish it was.

Goodbye Dear Friend – Wes Craven


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I know this post is quite a bit late, but things have been so hectic lately and also to be honest I’m still in shock over the passing of Wes Craven.

As we all should well know Wes Craven passed away at the end of August this year. This was a very sad time for all movie lovers alike. We lost an extraordinary being, a directing genius and ultimately the creator of the slasher genre.

First a little about my feelings on Wes Craven. For most, and I say this very generally, movie fanatics they’re all about Spielberg. While Spielberg is a brilliant director and has created many legendary pieces of work, I have always been more interested in the works of Wes Craven. Long before I really became a film fanatic I didn’t actually know it but my favourite directors would have had to of been Jim Henson and Rob Reiner because my all time favourite movies were Labyrinth, The Princess Bride and The Dark Crystal. However I didn’t actually know about directors and actors and people who work so hard to create the movies, I never even thought of it. All I knew was the films as I watched them over and over again. However when I hit the age of 11 was when I really began to become a film fanatic, collecting DVDs like they’re pieces of gold and actually learning about the films and actors and directions and people behind the scenes. Around this age was when I was first really introduced to the horror genre and these movies lit an obsession like a wildfire. My dad, step mum and I started off by watching films like The Faculty, The Craft and Tales From The Crypt: Demon Night before moving into the greats like A Nightmare On Elm Street, Scream, Child’s Play and Jeepers Creepers. From then on I could not be stopped, I would watch any horror or thriller I could get my hands on; however those directed and/or written by Wes Craven always stood out to me the most. To this day I am still obsessed with Freddy Kruger and can quote Scream line for line. I’d like to think if it were possible I’d marry Freddy Kruger or Stu or even Randy, I know, they’re not the usual choice a gal goes to when thinking of marriage but I’m a little quirky. Anyway my point being from the time I became a film fanatic and began to learn more about the films Wes was my favourite director/writer.

You know the question people ask, ‘If you could have dinner with any three people dead or alive who would it be?’ my answer has for as long as I can remember been Wes Craven, Stephen King and Wesley (Cary Elwes).

My 12 favourite Wes Craven Films:

  1. A Nightmare On Elm Street
  2. Scream
  3. A Nightmare On Elm Street 3 – Dream Warriors
  4. A Nightmare On Elm Street 4 – The Dream Master
  5. A Nightmare On Elm Street 5 – The Dream Child
  6. My Soul To Take
  7. The People Under The Stairs
  8. Wes Craven’s New Nightmare
  9. Scream 4
  10. The Breed
  11. Shocker
  12. Red Eye

Wes Craven was a true visionary when it came to the horror and thriller genres. However even though he has passed away, he will forever live on in our dreams and nightmares.

Blog Montage – Tribute To My Old Blogs


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Okay, so this post is a bit of a montage, I guess you could say, of my old blog posts. It’s a mesh of some of my favorite posts from my old blogs. I will upload an image of the post with the URL to it.

comic conExcitement about going to Comic-Con. 

reccomend50 movies I highly recommend.IT Film Review: IT

Teen Guide

Teen Guide – School Assignment


ACEC 2014 series of posts.
Day 1
Shining Remix
Day 2
Day 3

Interested in a Tattoo?


Who and what

Film Wise- Who and What to Check OutMovie game

Movie Appmoulin rouge

Moulin Rouge ReviewMatthew

Matthew LillardMachete

Machete Movie Reviewferris  Ferris Bueller Movie Review

It was great to go back though my old posts on my old blogs and re-read some of the things I have written and getting to see how things matured over the years.

What Has Happened To My Other Blogs?


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So as some people have noticed this new blog of mine has popped up somewhat out of the blue and have been wondering why this one has been created when I already had other blogs set up. So this post is just to explain what has happened and try to clear up some of the confusion.

So what is happening with my old blogs? Previously I have had a few blogs and at theOld blogs moment nothing is happening with them. They have not been deleted, there have not been any issues with the sites, they are still active and able to be viewed. My very first blog is even still online.

SUPERchick Lost In Time
Movie Craze!
The Galaxy Is Ours 


If my other blogs are fine, active and there are no issues why have I created this one? Okay, so for this blog my end goal is to actually turn blogging into a career. For the moment I’m not attempting to turn it into a place to make money from, as there is a ton of development which needs to be done, however the end goal is to be able to blog for work.

This then begs the question ‘why couldn’t I just use one of my old blogs for this?’ Well there are a few different reasons as to why I decided to make a new blog to use from now on. Firstly I put a lot of time and effort into researching the best way to start blogging as a career. From that one of the things I found out is that the most successful bloggers own their own domain for their blog. As I don’t want to put money into this blogging career until I have proven to myself that I won’t flake out and I will work super hard on it I decided not to purchase a domain just yet. However I went to research further and found that WordPress is the best site to use if you are planning on eventually owning our own domain for your blog, it’s the easiest transition wise. this is why I’m now using WordPress instead of blogger, as I did in the past.

Also from my experiences at Bo$$ Camp last year I learnt a lot about branding and it’s importance. After putting in a lot of thought about the blogs I had at the time I came to the conclusion that they were not blended well, were not what I wanted to be branded as. In many ways my previous blogs have been very immature, or I feel the were, as I did set them up at a fairly young age. Also they would frequently be renamed and changed, this is not ideal. I decided I needed something static a blog that was branded with a brand I’m happy with and something that I will be happy to keep for years to come.

I also came to the conclusion that due to the major developments I have been though, developments on myself, those blogs don’t fit me so much anymore as they are quite immature and while they did mature over the years they still have that immature back story. I ended up deciding that I needed to start fresh with a clear mind and view of the future of me and blogging. Hence the new blog on the new site.

So what is the future for my previous blogs? I’m somewhat sad to say that there is none, at this point in the future and to be completely honest I don’t see myself going back to them ever, as in writing on them. However I don’t see any reason to deactivate them or delete them from the internet, they very much were a big part of my life, a coping mechanism, a way to pass time, a place to put out my writing and develop my confidence in myself and who I was. I still want to be able to look back on them and remember what was going on in my life and how I used to feel, who I used to be, the aspects that created who I am, who I’m becoming. For these reasons I decided to keep them online, after all I feel no shame for them or any discontent, however there will no longer be new posts on them.

From this point on-wards this will be the only blog I will be posting on, everything in the one place. There are a ton of exciting plans and possibilities I have for this blog and I’m super excited for this site to develop. I hope you’ll be just as excited to go along the journey with me.

In this post I have mentioned branding and I just wanted to give a heads up that I will be making a post which goes into depth of branding, the branding of this blog (as it may seem quirky to some), how to create a brand, the importance of a brand as well as the resources I found the most useful in researching and creating this brand.

Pop! Vinyl Figures by Funko


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Lately I have been struggling to write anything to post as I haven’t been in the best of moods and don’t want to be posting negative things. So I thought that I’d write about something that makes me very happy, my novelty figures I have been collecting. This post will be talking about the beginning of my collection of Pop! Vinyl figures by Funko, later I will makes posts on my Itty Bittys collection from Hallmark as well as other miscellaneous collectables.

So, here’s a little bit about the Funko brand. Funko was founded by Mike Becker in 1988 as a bobble head company. Becker sold the company to current owner, Brian Mariotti, in 2005; Mariotti pushed the company towards its growth in licensed novelty goods.

‘Funko currently holds more than 150 licenses including, but not limited to: Lucas Film, Marvel, Hasbro, The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, DC Comics, NBA, Sanrio and Disney.’ – (

One of the types of novelty figures made and distributed by Funko are their Pop! Vinyl figures. These figures all stand in a neutral pose at a height of 3.75 inches. Their head is a large rounded square which makes up for half the height of the figure. Their most distinctive feature are the large black eyes which would be the size of thumbtacks.

To read more about the journey of the Funko company and creation of their Pop! Vinyl figures, Rolling Stone did a complete article on them. ‘Pop’ Culture: The Incredible Rise of Funko Pop!

There are nine different categories of the Pop! Vinyl figures these categories include: Animation, Disney, Games, Heroes, Marvel, Movies, Sports, Star Wars, and Television.

For the moment I have only collected from the Movies, Television and Star Wars collections, however there are a ton more I’m still looking to purchase!
My first Pop! Vinyl was this little mogwai, Gizmo. He was purchased from Fellas Gifts.
The next two figures I purchased were from the Television collection, Willow and Spike from Buffy The Vampire Slayer. An odd pair to get together I suppose, but they are my two favourites! They were both purchased at OZ Comic Con.
The last figures I purchased were from The Game Station. I purchased two from the Movies collection which are Spike from the Gremlins and Ash from Evil Dead. I also got Wicket from the Star Wars collection.

So that is my little collection of the Funko Pop! Vinyls. Collecting these little figures makes me to happy and I can’t wait for my collection to grow.


School…. One of the most common questions asked by family and friends, ‘How is school?’ So how is school?

School… The place where you’ve currently got 4 assignments going which have to be due in next week, also have to fit in exam prep as exams are in 2 weeks. Need to work out work experience which is the week after exams and the paperwork needs to be in by tomorrow. To top it off teachers decide to give you two more assignments to be due by the end of next week.

What do people say when I explain this? ‘It’s all to teach you how to cope with stress and work overflow.’ Right, if that is the case then why don’t they actually TEACH us to cope with stress. Instead of just putting pressure on top of pressure for us why not actually give us tips and tricks to lessen the pressure and not break down every 6 weeks.

I’m just tired and to be completely honest all I want to do is sleep. Just let me go to sleep and not wake up for a good month or so. Remind me again, why is it the human species does not hibernate in the winter?